Inventor As-Filed Name for a Matter

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On many occasions the name of an inventor may change between patents filed by that inventor. When certain PTO forms are filed the "as-filed" name ideally should be used in the forms for a matter.

AppColl works most effectively if any one inventor has just one contact record with one name. To allow for matter specific variations of inventor names, AppColl supports specifying the as-filed inventor name in the inventors section of the matter details page. 

When adding or updating an inventor, there is a field to specify the as-filed inventor name.

When populating USPTO forms for this matter, the as-filed name will be used. If an as-filed name is specified, it will added as an alias for the contact.

If an inventor has an as-filed name, it will be shown in parentheses next to the main name.

Note: if inventor names are merged in the contacts module, the names for the non-primary inventor contact records will automatically be added as "as-filed" names in any matters that used the non-primary inventor contact record (if no as-filed name exists). Put another way, merging contact records automatically creates as-filed names in matters where necessary.