Use of Affiliated Reports

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Many medium to large law firms have two people that own a matter.  There's the working attorney and then there's the ultimate owner.  In AppColl, it’s possible to assign the working attorney to the attorney field and assign the ultimate owner to the partner field. 

If you are a partner and you want a docket report with not only what that the working attorney owns, but also what you own, then from the tasks module you can set that report filter to Affiliated/Open.

The option Affiliated/Open will show you everything that you are a part of. 




You are the owner of your login.  When you choose owned and open, it's going to show you only what you own. But if you do not own the task, but it's affiliated with you, as a partner, contributor, paralegal or foreign associate and you run affiliated, you're going to see those tasks that you're affiliated with in addition to those tasks that you own.