Add a New User to a Tandem Account

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   Use the "Manage Tandem Logins" button as described in this article:


Provide a new login to an existing Tandem account

   In your non-Tandem account:

  1. Create a contact that contains the name and email address for the person you would like to add to the Tandem account.
  2. Go to the Account Syncing tab of the Settings page.
  3. Click the "Send Tandem Invite" button. 
  4. Select the client that the existing Tandem account was created for in the "Client" textbox. 
  5. Select the contact record of the person who you would like to add to the Tandem account in the "To" textbox.
  6. Send the invite. When the new user creates their login it will automatically be linked to the existing Tandem account (as long as your account is the owner of that Tandem account).