Add Address and Contact Information to Form Letters and Emails

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You can include address information by using syntax similar to the following in your form email or form letter:


Any contact field can be used. Some examples:

{Matter.Inventor1.Email}  = the email address of the first inventor
{Matter.Client.City }  = the city of the client
{Matter.Attorney.Last} = the last name of the attorney for the matter

There also exists a special field name “Address”, which you can use to insert the full address of the contact, including new lines. {Matter.Paralegal.Address} will insert the full address of the paralegal for the matter:

425 Robinson Way,
Menlo Park, California 94019
United States
If you want the address to appear all on one line you can use {Matter.Paralegal.AddressLine} which will insert:
425 Robinson Way, Menlo Park, California 94019, United States
For contacts with a client role, the Name field will return the Company name if present. If you want to use the personal name in that client contact, use {Contact.PersonalName}.