Webinars and Resources

Find out when upcoming webinars are happening and watch archived webinars here. Additionally, learn about various other resources available for AppColl.

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Please click on the RSVP link for the webinar you're interested in. Once you RSVP, an email is sent confirming your acceptance, a link to the session and a calendar invite. If you are not available for the next scheduled session, you can sign up for a later session or watch previously recorded webinars from the Archive section below.

Upcoming Webinars

Click the links to Register. 

New User Training Live - Every Tuesday at 9am PT/ 12pm ET

Upcoming Topic-based Webinars Live: Every other Tuesday at 11am PT/ 2pm ET 

March 4th - Tasks & Task Types

March 18th - Prior Art & IDS Generation

April 1st - Creating Form Letters & Emails

April 15th - Creating Reminder Tasks, Emails, & Calendar Invites

April 29th - Importing Data & Updating Matters

May 13th  - Billing & Invoicing Basics

May 27th - AppColl Tandem Account Syncing

June 10th - PM Invent Overview

June 24th - Advanced Billing & Invoicing

Archived Webinars

New User Training 

Prior Art and IDS Generation

Billing and Invoicing Basics

Creating Form Letters and Emails

Task Type Customizations 

Creating Reminder Tasks, Emails, and Calendar Invites 

Importing Data and Updating Matters 

AppColl Tandem Account Syncing 

Advanced Billing & Invoicing - Part 1

Advanced Billing & Invoicing - Part 2

PM Invent Overview

Introduction to the Signatures Module


Additional Resources

Learning Center Support Article

Learning Center Sign-Up

User Forum Support Article
User Forum

