List of all available columns for Tasks

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This is the list of all available columns available for the summary list view in the Tasks module. 

  • Matter: Refers to a specific case, lawsuit, or project that a legal or business firm is handling.
  • TaskType: Refers to the classification or categorization of a task within a project or matter, such as research, drafting, or administrative tasks.
  • RespondBy: Refers to the date or time by which a response to a task or request must be given.
  • FinalDueDate: Refers to the final or ultimate deadline for completion of a task or project.
  • Client: Refers to the person or entity that is being provided services or representation by a legal or business firm.
  • Owner: Refers to the person or entity responsible for managing or overseeing a task or project.
  • DeadlineType: Refers to the classification of a deadline, such as hard or soft.
  • Comments: Refers to notes or observations made regarding a task or project.
  • ActivityCode: Refers to a numerical or alphanumerical identifier assigned to a specific activity or task.
  • ActualCost: Refers to the actual or real cost incurred for a task or project.
  • ActualExpense: Refers to the actual or real expenses incurred for a task or project.
  • BillWhenComplete: Refers to the billing method for a task or project, such as billing only upon completion.
  • BillingItems: Refers to items or services that are being billed or invoiced for a task or project.
  • BudgetCost: Refers to the estimated or budgeted cost for a task or project.
  • BudgetExpense: Refers to the estimated or budgeted expenses for a task or project.
  • BudgetHours: Refers to the estimated or budgeted hours for a task or project.
  • ClosedBy: Refers to the person who completed or closed a task or project.
  • ClosedOn: Refers to the date and time when a task or project was closed.
  • Complexity: Refers to the level of difficulty or intricacy of a task or project.
  • Creator: Refers to the person who initiated or created a task or project.
  • Discussion: Refers to a conversation or exchange of ideas related to a task or project.
  • Document: Refers to a written or recorded piece of information related to a task or project.
  • ExpenseCode: Refers to a numerical or alphanumerical identifier assigned to a specific expense incurred for a task or project.
  • ExpensesCap: Refers to the maximum or capped amount that can be spent on expenses for a task or project.
  • FeesCap: Refers to the maximum or capped amount that can be charged for fees for a task or project.
  • GenByTaskID: Refers to the identifier of a task that generated or produced another task or project.
  • Modified - Refers to the last time a record was updated or changed.
  • OpenedOn - Refers to the date and time when a record was created or first opened.
  • RefDate - Refers to a reference date that is related to the record in question. It may indicate a deadline, start date, end date, or any other date that is relevant to the record.
  • TaskCode - Refers to a unique identifier assigned to a task. It is typically used for organizing, categorizing, and tracking tasks in a system.
  • TaskID - Refers to a unique identifier assigned to a task. It is typically used for identifying and tracking tasks in a system.

Note: For all fields that have Matter.XX, please visit the article List of all available columns for Matters, to see the definitions for those.