Add or Update Links Between Multiple References and a Matter

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The following steps outline the process for adding or updating links between multiple prior art references and a patent matter:  

  1. In the Prior Art module, click on the All References link in the Navigate Section of the left column.
  2. Select all of the references you wish to link or update to the matter. (Using a filter on the “UsedBy” field may help find the references, as discussed here.)
  3. Click on the Link Refs to Matter button in the Make Changes section of the left column.
  4. Type text into the Matter text box, find the matter and select it. You can search by Attorney Reference, Application Number, Publication Number, Patent Number or Title.
  5. Select the options as desired. For more details on the options, click here. This will apply to ALL links generated or updated between the references and the matter.
  6. Click on the Link button.