Advanced Reports

AppColl contains a number of Advanced Reports that come standard with IM (Invention Manager) and AppColl PM Plus.

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AppColl contains a number of Advanced Reports that come standard with IM (Invention Manager) and AppColl PM Plus. In order to access the Advanced Reports hover over the reports module header, and click Reports. 

In the left pane, under the Select Report header, you will see a section labeled Advanced Reports. The reports are then categorized by module. 



Accounts Receivable Aging - Unpaid balances for each client, grouped by number of days past due. 

Average Time to Pay by Client Last 12 Months - The average time for a client to pay an invoice (in days) over the last 12 months. 

Average Total Billing per Matter - Average total amount billed per matter of a given type by country. Used to determine the average cost for prosecuting a patent in a particular country. 

Fees Recorded per Timekeeper - Total fees recorded per timekeeper, grouped by billing item date. 

Hours Recorded per Timekeeper - Total hours grouped per timekeeper, grouped by billing item date. 

Invoiced Amounts by Client - Total amount billled (i.e. included in invoice) to clients grouped by billing item date. 

Top Clients All Time (Based on Matters) - Total amounts billed to each customer over all time. This only includes billing items actually invoiced to clients. 

Trust Account Report (Bank Account) - Shows opening and closing retainer balances by client, in addition to retainer debts and credits, for the specified time period. Useful for reconciling actual bank account balances with debits and credits from retainers received by customers. 

Uninvoiced Amounts by Client - Total amount not yet billed to clients grouped by Billing Item date. This includes all billing items not currently in an invoice. 



Daily Open Tasks by Task Type - The number of open tasks by task owner broken down by deadline type. 

Monthly Open Tasks by Task Type - The number of open tasks by task owner broken down by deadline type. 

Office Action Extensions Last 12 Months - Total office action extensions required over the last 12 months by office action task owner. 

Open Tasks by Owner - The number of open tasks by owner broken down by deadline type. 

Task Closing Margin by Owner - Average number of days an external deadline task was closed after the due date by the owner. A value of less than zero means tasks were closed during the period before the due date (on average). 

Tasks Open and Closed - Number of tasks open and closed over time.

Weekly Open Tasks by Task Type - The number of open tasks by task owner broken down by deadline type.



Average Time to Issue - Average number of days between filing date and issue date over time. 

Matter Clients  - Pie chart of matter clients

Matter Countries - Pie chart of matter countries

Matter Statuses - Pie chart of matter statuses

Matters by Client by Status - Total number of matters for each client by matter status

Matters by Client by Type US - Total number of matters for each client by matter type

Matters by Country by Client - Total number of matters for each country by client

Matters by Country by Status - Total number of matters for each country by matter status

Matters by Country by Type - Total number of matters for each country by matter type

Matters by Status by Client - Total number of matters for each status by client

Matters by Status by Type - Total number of matters for each status by matter type

Matters by Type by Client - Total number of matters by each matter type for each client

Matters by Type by Client - Total number of matters by matter type for each client

Matters Filed - Matters Filed over Time

Matters Filed by Month by Client - Matters Filed over Time

Matters Issued - Matters Issued over Time

Top Inventors - Patent Filing - Inventors with the most patent filings over time

Top Inventors - Patent Issued - Inventors with the most patent filings over time. 



Billing - Matter Spend 

CPI Annuity Report - All Matters 

CPI Annuity Report - All Matters Modified Since Last Report

CPI Annuity Report - Non-US Matters

CPI Annuity Report - Non-US Matters Modified Since Last Report

CPI Annuity Report - UOWY

CPI Annuity Report - US Matters

CPI Annuity Report - US Matters Modified Since Last Report

The following reports do not contain the advanced setting option

Account Activity - All

Account Activity - Last 180 Days

Account Activity - Last 30 Days

Account Activity - Last 7 Days

Account Activity - Last 90 Days

Account Activity - Today

Account Activity - Yesterday