Edit a Report

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Saved reports can be edited and re-saved at will. You can change the filters, the displayed columns, and the column ordering. Here are the steps:
  1. Go to the module that was used to create the report.
  2. Select the report you wish to edit from the Select Report drop down in the Change View section of the page on the lower left hand side. AppColl will run the report and return the results.
  3. Click the "Edit Filters" link to open the filter editor.
  1. Make the necessary changes and rerun the report.
  2. (Optional) Add, delete or reorder the columns as desired.
  3. Click on the Save View as Report button.
  4. Enter the exact name of the report you wish to overwrite.
  5. Click on the Overwrite any existing report with this name check box.
  6. Click on the Save button.


Your report has now been updated with the desired changes. If this report is scheduled to run at predefined intervals, the new version will be used.