View all Open Tasks for Matters Assigned to a Partner or Attorneys Under His or Her Supervision

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To view all open tasks for matters assigned to a specific attorney or partner, follow the steps below:

  1. If you haven't already, enable the Partner field:
    • Click the Settings link in the upper right corner of any page. (Only account admins can enter the settings)
    • Scroll down to Matter Optional Fields and check the box for Enable Partner field.
    • Click Save
  2. Go to the Matters module. Verify or select the partner in the Matter Details page for all of the matters under the partner's supervision.
  3. To view the open tasks, the Partner must complete the following steps under his or her login:
    1. Go to the Tasks module.
    2. Clear any existing filters in the Change View section of the left column by clicking on the "Filters" trash can.
    3. Select “Affiliated/Open” from the middle dropdown menu in the Change View section of the left column. This will select all open tasks that are owned by you and all open tasks for all matters for which you are listed as the partner.