Download Files from AppColl
AppColl can download one or more files or folders to your hard drive. To download a single file, follow these steps: Browse to the file you wish to download. Right click on the file to save the file to your local hard disk. Note: Depending on the browser and operating system you use, the syntax when right-clicking and saving the file may vary. (Opt...
Send or Forward Emails into AppColl (AppColl PM Plus)
Please note: this feature is only available in AppColl Plus. Click here for pricing and details on the plus features. AppColl provides a mechanism by which users can send/forward emails into AppColl. AppColl converts the email to a .eml file and stores it in the appropriate location based on the email address, as shown in the table below. Speci...
Rename Files or Directories
Any file or folder in the Files module can be renamed by following these steps. Find the file or folder you wish to rename and check the box next to it. Please note: only a single file or folder can be changed at once. Click the rename button and enter the new name of the file or folder and click OK....
Use Document Links (URLs) in Files Module
AppColl's Files module provides for storing documents in the cloud for easy access or archival from your AppColl account. But if some customers prefer using Dropbox, Google Drive, One Drive, Box and other file sharing systems, AppColl allows for creating a document placeholder URL to the actual document stored in other 3rd party document storage sy...
Search and Browse Files in AppColl
AppColl allows you to searchnand browse for files or folders by name and a modified date range. From anywhere in the Files module, click on the Browse/Search button to see the below popup window. Enter text of the file or folder you wish to search and optionally enter a date range when the file(s) or folder(s) were last modified. AppColl returns a ...
Change the Default Matter Folders
AppColl automatically creates a sub folder for each new matter created in AppColl. The sub folder, named after the AttorneyRef, is placed under the client folder. Each matter folder has four default sub-folders named: If you have PM Plus, you will also have an email folder, where you can automatically bring emails into your files by including the i ...
Upload Files to AppColl
To upload a single file into AppColl, follow these steps: Go to the Files module. Browse through the directory structure until you find the directory in which you are going to store the file. You can click on the file names at the top of the table to easily traverse back up the directory structure. (optional) Click on the New Folder button to cr...
Files Module Overview
The files module is used to store files on AppColl servers such that they are accessible from anywhere using any web browser. AppColl automatically creates top level directories for each client, once the client name is associated with a matter. When a matter is created, AppColl automatically creates a folder, with a name matching the AttorneyRef. T...
Delete Files or Directories
Any files and folders can be deleted from AppColl by following these steps: 1) Go to the folder in the Files module where you wish to delete data. 2) Check the checkbox next to the items you wish to delete. You can delete both files and folders at the same time. 3) Click the delete button. If items are accidentally deleted, they can be recovered fro...