Signatures Rules

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Signature Rules set up the automatic generation of documents for signature. It configures which document should be sent, the sender and recipient, and the conditions under which a document for signature is created, and optionally, if that document should be immediately sent to the recipient for signature (If not sent immediately, the document must be subsequently sent manually using a command in the Signatures page).

The Signature Rules page is accessed using from the Signatures module.



From the Signature Rules page rules can be added, updated and deleted.

You can quickly add, update or delete multiple rules. Note that changes are not saved until you click on the Save or Apply Changes button. Any pending (unsaved) changes are shown in the Change column of the table.

You can also quickly search for an existing rule by typing text in the search box. The search is case insensitive.




Add Signature Rule

To add a new Signature rule, click on the Add button in the upper left. The following form will appear:



Enter the desired options and click on the Add button.

The options in this form are described below. Some options can be loaded from previously stored email templates by entering the name of the template at the bottom of the form. If you wish to create an email template from the current set of options, click on the Create Template link at the bottom right.


Option Description
Enabled Specifies if rule is enabled. Unchecking this option stops generation of documents without having to delete the rule.
Send document to recipient(s) immediately after triggering If checked, the document will immediately be sent to the recipients after being generated. Caution: Only use this option after you have fully tested the rule and are comfortable that it is working as intended and the triggers are correct.
Don't use DocuSign - sign manually Checking this option will cause the document to be sent to the recipient via email and not via DocuSign, even if it is available.
Rule Name Enter a meaningful and distinctive name for this rule. When a document is generated for signature, the name of the rule is available in the list of documents on the main Signatures for reference.

Select the document that will be generated for signature. There are three sources for this list: 

  • Form letters that have the required form fields for a signature document "General.SignatureBlock}" and “{General.SignatureBlockDate}” 
  • Select USPTO inventor declaration forms
  • Any templates in your DocuSign account (if connected)

A database query that specifies the conditions that require a document to be generated.


If a record is created or updated such that it matches these conditions, the document will be generated. You can specify conditions for matters, tasks or contacts that can create signature documents. See below for examples of triggers.


Note that if a specific person already has a document generated for signature based on this rule for a given matter, task or contact, no duplicates will be generated if the rule is re-triggered. In this case, if the document has not been sent to the recipient, then the existing document will be updated with the latest information in the rule, if changed (e.g. document or email subject or body).

Send Document From

Searchable drop-down list that specifies which person will be shown as sending the document for signature when received by the recipient. Possible options are shown below. If you select a sender that uses a field from a contact, matter or task then you must reference that record type in the triggers. The sender is then determined from the record that triggered the rule. 

  • Account Administrator
  • Contact Email
  • Contact Primary Contact
  • Matter Attorney
  • Matter Client
  • Matter Client Contact
  • Matter Client Primary Contact
  • Matter Contributor
  • Matter Foreign Associate
  • Matter Law Firm
  • Matter Law Firm Primary Contact
  • Matter Paralegal
  • Matter Partner
  • Task Owner
  • <Specific Contact>

This option is stored in an email template. 

Send Document To Searchable drop-down list that specifies which person should sign the document. The options are the same as above except for the addition of Matter Inventors, which will result in multiple documents being generated, one per inventor. This option is stored in an email template. 
Email Subject The subject line of the email that is sent. You can include form fields if desired. This option is stored in an email template. 
Email Body The body of the email that is sent. You can include form fields if desired. This option is stored in an email template. 



Rule Triggers

When creating triggers for signature rules, only limited combinations of record types are permitted. Note that you can only use a matter, task or contact field for the sender (from) or recipient (to) if that record type is included in the trigger.

Matter fields only - the matter is the key record that generates the document. 

Both task and matter fields - the task is the key record that generates the document. Matter field references are checked against the matter associated with the task.

Contact fields only - the contact is the key record that generates the document. 

Matter.CountryCode = "US" and Matter.Type.Contains("Utility") and Matter.Status = “Pending”

Generates document when a US utility patent is filed. 

Task.TaskType = “Matter Owner Transfer” and Matter.Client = “ABC Tech”

Generates a document when a “Matter Owner Transfer” task is created for the “ABC Tech” client. 

Contact.Role = “Client”

Generates document whenever a contact with a “Client” role is created. Could be used for engagement letters.


Update Signature Rule

To update a signature rule, simply click on the line in the table and make the changes. Click Ok to to update the record.

To make a copy of a rule, click on it, make any changes and then on the Save as New button.


Delete Signature Rule

To delete a signature rule, hover over the line and then click on the trash can on the left. When you Save or Apply Changes the record will be deleted. 



Prior to committing the changes you can click on the undo icon to prevent the rule from being deleted.