Test or Preview a Tandem Invitation

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You may wish to preview exactly what a client will see as a result of you sending an invitation to a customer to setup a Tandem account. By using the 'Test Tandem Invite' command, you can create a test account that will contain exactly the information that will be in your client's Tandem account after syncing from your account. To create a test account, click on the 'Test Tandem Invite' button and enter the name of the contact that will be sent the Tandem invite. This must be the same contact that you specify in the the 'To' field for the Tandem invitation.


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After entering the contact, click on 'Test'. This will create your Tandem test account (if it doesn't exist or clear the data in the test account if it does), and sync your client's information into the test account. Please note that syncing to the test account can take many minutes depending on the number of matters being synced. When complete, your login will now have access to both your primary account and your Tandem test account. You can switch to the Tandem test account by clicking on your initials in the upper right of the page, selecting 'Switch Accounts' and clicking on '<your account name> Tandem Test'.