What Information is Imported into U.S. Trademarks from TSDR?

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Once U.S. Trademarks are updated from TSDR, the following information is imported. 

  1. Client - comes from the Applicant field in TSDR
  2. Serial or Registration Number - If a matter only includes a reg number, AppColl imports the serial number. If a matter only has a serial number, AppColl imports the reg number, provided the case is registered.
  3. Title
  4. Dates - filing date, publication date, allowance date, registration date, abandoned date and expiration date.
  5. Trademark Register - Principal or Supplemental
  6. Current PTO Status as listed in TSDR
  7. Logo or Text of mark
  8. Goods and Services
  9. Priority Connections. The matter's priority date will also be updated.
  10. Art Unit / Law Office
  11. Examiner

AppColl also imports all available transactions for the mark.