How Can I Create Task Reminders? (Deprecated)

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This feature has been deprecated. Please use Scheduled Task Reports.

AppColl can generate reminders for tasks (i.e., docketing items) in a number of ways, to alert you to upcoming due dates. Below is a list of options and article links for creating each reminder type.

1) Custom Docketing Reports: You can easily create a custom docketing report with whatever columns, ordering and filtering criteria you want. You can narrow docketing reports by user, time frame, client and task types, to name a few. Click here for detailed instructions on creating such reports. You can also schedule these reports to automatically run by clicking here.

2) Generating Task Notification Emails or Calendar Entries: In place of, or in addition to, the above option, you can also generate custom notifications when certain tasks are created by AppColl. These notifications can be customized to include whatever data fields you wish, including specific information about the task, such as its due date, client or matter title. These notifications can be sent as emails or calendar entry invites. Multiple notifications can be sent to different people or groups.

  • You can establish notifications for individual tasktypes or groups of similar tasks.
    • Click here for instructions on generating task specific notifications.
    • Click here for instructions on generating notifications for groups of related task types (e.g., tasks with external deadline, tasks that begin with "Respond to"). Such notifications can be created as internal reminders or client reporting letters.

3) Generating Reminder Tasks: If email notifications are insufficient, you can also create custom tasks as reminders. Click here for instructions on creating custom reminder task types.

4) AppColl's Daily Docketing EmailsPlease Note that this option no longer exists for accounts newer than early 2017.

By default, AppColl emails a daily docketing reminder to all task owners of upcoming due dates. Please note, this email is sent to the task owner and not the matter attorney (unless the task owner is the matter attorney).

  • These email reminders do not include every task coming due on every day, to avoid cluttering the daily docketing reports. The reminders are sent at specific intervals based on their due date. For example, a task with an external deadline would appear on the Daily Docketing emails exactly 6 months before its due date (if applicable), 5 months before its due date, 4 months, 3 months, 2 months and 1 month. Within the last month, the task will appear 4 weeks before its due date, 3 weeks before, 2 weeks before, and then every day of the last week of its due date. Click here for more details on this.
  • The report's included columns, format and date ranges cannot be altered for this report.
  • You can disable the daily docketing reports if you wish to rely on other means of notification. Simply open your Contacts module record, select the Disable All radio button and click the Save buttoning the left column.
  • You can add additional email addresses to the cc: field of other users' contact records if you wish to receive the daily docketing email for other task owners.